Sunday, March 10, 2013

Save First, Save Second

Save, save, save, save

As Bo Sanchez advised in one of the Wealth Strategies sent t the Truly Rich Club members.

Save First, Save Second

Importance of saving

Bo emphasize the 70/30 rule. Live on the 70% of your income while the 30% will be broken down into 10% tithe, 10% emergency fund, and 10% for future fund.

In my case I am a teacher in one of the state university of the Philippines. being single at the time when I first practice these rules of 70/30 as advised in the Truly Rich Club. I tithe. I set-up an emergency fund savings account which unfortunately always run-out every time my salary is not enough for other stuff.
The other 10% is being invested in the Philippine stock market. being a teacher of Ecology, Stock market is not in my vocabulary. but anyway with so much confidence from Bo Sanchez. I downloaded the COL form for opening an account. being Truly Rich Club member we always got stock updates when to buy and when to sell. Even if I don't know anything that happening in the Philippine stock market, I just invest. And is not enjoy looking at the growth of my investments. Although I'm still far from the seven digit figures, I know that I'm on my way.

By the way yesterday I talked about the promo we had in our grocery store, the first winner was soo happy. She never though of receiving a gift on her birthday.. When I have a faster internet connection which is happening very soon maybe next week I will make a facebook page for our grocery store so the winners will be posted every single week.

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