Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to grow yourself

Truly Rich Club Wealth Strategies: These are weekly newsletter that provides simplified and doable ideas to create more wealth.

Wealth Strategy: Are you better today that you are yesterday?

 If you want to grow your wealth, you need to grow yourself.

Ask yourself these questions.
1. Are you more loving today, than you are yesterday?
2. Are you more wiser today than you are yesterday?
3. Are you more skilled today than you are yesterday?

If the answer is No, then you are not growing.

If you are serious in growing your wealth, you need to commit to a never ending growth.

Do you want the whole copy of the newsletter? Join the Truly Rich Club and be truly blessed. Click here:

Realizations & Actions:

Early on my answers to these questions are a big No, however I made a commitment for growth.
these leads me to:
- buying a books of Bo Sanchez, Zig ziglar, T.Harv Eker, etc.
- Attending  seminars: Wealth Summit 2013 and is looking forward for Wealth Summit 2014
- Look for mentors

Before I bump into the Truly Rich Club, I am hungry for growth. I want to earn more so I was busy surfing the internet, exploring for doable ways to get extra earnings.

But when I become a member of the Truly Rich Club my outlook changed, I realize that earnings is directly proportional to the value we have for yourself. As I look around in the academe: the PhD holder has higher salary compared to a masters degree holder. Because people with PhD has seek more growth which was then manifested in their salary.

The Truly Rich Club has always provided me with materials to enhance and seek continuous growth.

Join now: Click here:

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1 comment:

  1. Keep sharing more about Bo Sanchez' Truly Rich Club

    More Success and Happy Investing,
    Red @ Truly Rich Club Review
